Get to Know Lunds doktorandkår's Organisation
Scroll down to learn more about what's what and who's who.

How decisions are made
In order for us to fully reflect the opinions of our members in the pursuit of our common goal - to do our part in making the research education at Lund University the best possible - the activities of LDK are decided and fulfilled by democratically elected representatives in the Presidium, the Board, the Governing Assembly, the Councils, and the Councils’ Working Committees. LDK consistently works to make sure that our decisions are made in accordance with the principle of proximity through each body's respective area of responsibility.
Monika Larsson
Executive Director of External Affairs
The Executive Director of External Affairs represents LDK both within and outside of Lund University and works closely with the other student unions to promote the interest of doctoral students. The Executive Director of External Affairs also maintains an awareness of both the external and internal political landscape in which the organisation operates.

Sofia Bergh
Events Officer
The Events Officer manages the planning, booking and organisation of all social events at LDK.

Nima Mohseni
Executive Director of Internal Affairs
The Executive Director of Internal Affairs is responsible for all matters regarding LDK’s internal organisation. The Executive Director of Internal Affairs has the overarching responsibility to coordinate the decisions made by the Presidium, the Board, and the Governing Assembly and should make sure that it is communicated in every branch of LDK’s representation.

Catalina Quiroga
Communications Officer
The Communications Officer manages the organization's social media channels and webpage.

Christina Maschmann
Vice Chair/
Chief Financial Officer
The Chief Financial Officer oversees all matters that relate to LDK’s financial situation, from presenting the union’s annual budget, interacting with LDK’s bank, accounting firm, and auditors.

Divya Bali
Membership Officer
The Membership Officer manages all questions and queries regarding your LDK membership and the student cards.

The faculty councils
This is where everything starts
Since the representation in both the Board and the Presidium is gathered from the local councils, they basically set the agenda for what is decided within LDK.
The Governing Assembly (GA)
This is where things are decided
The Governing Assembly is LDK's highest decision-making body and it is here initiatives from the councils and the board is brought forward to find a common, university wide solution for all doctoral students.

The presidium and the board
This is where things get done
Whilst the Presidium represents the student union, handles the day-to-day management of its operations, and leads the activities of LDK, the Board works strategically to prepare the implementation of the decisions made by the Governing Assembly.
The governing structure
What's What and Who's Who
Even though most of the day-to-day operations within LDK is carried out by the faculty-based councils, sometimes all doctoral students must come together to find a common solution to a University wide problem. In one way you can see LDK as an umbrella organisation - we gather the best ideas from all the councils to find the best possible way forward on a University wide level. To make sure that everyone is duly heard and represented, LDK's governing structure is based on a bottom-up organisational model, where all the central decision-making is anchored through the councils' representation in the Board and the Governing Assembly. Here is how it works:
'Ahhh! This is confusing! Can't you give me an example?'
Charlie has just had a discussion with her friend and fellow doctoral student Franky about the possibilities of attending a course in pedagogy that she badly needs in order for her to get a permanent position at a Swedish university. Apparently, everyone at Franky's faculty is allowed to go whilst Charlie's faculty just grants five people to attend to the popular pedagogy course. She's furious (and rightly so) and decides to bring it up at the next council meeting. After a heated debate, Charlie's council decides to take action - let's bring this to the next level and make sure that Lund University gives equal opportunities to all doctoral students!
1. The presidium
Acting as 'the spider in the web' (although with fewer legs) the Presidium works to coordinate Charlie's motion and interacts closely with her council to initiate the matter to be discussed in the Board. It is here the initiative starts and the necessary preparatory work is done.
2. The board
Once the Presidium has prepared a motion based on Charlie's idea, the Board then decides how the initiative should be carried out, basically who should do what, where and when. It is within the Board the details are fleshed out and different alternatives and approaches (if needed) are decided.
3. The governing assembly
Finally - time for some action! As LDK's highest decision-making body, it is at the Governing Assembly (GA) things come to a democratically ensued climax for Charlie's original proposal. It is here the different council representatives discuss and debate in order to find the best solution to Charlie's problem. It is at the GA the final decision is made.
Once the decision finally passes the Governing Assembly, it is up to the addressed parties (usually the Presidium or the Board) to carry out the decision made. In Charlie's case, the Governing Assembly might have given the Presidium directions to pursue the issue within the Research Programme's Board or even bring it up to the Vice Chancellors offices through LUS.