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The Councils

Your Local Representation

The very backbone of Lunds Doktorandkår is the organization's faculty councils. Through our local representation at Lund University’s many faculties, the core of our activities is carried out by doctoral students within the departmental and faculty affiliated decision-making bodies. Each council elects a Working Committee, which is made up by a chair, a vice-chair, a secretary, and a maximum of three other members. The Working Committee leads the council’s activities and handles the day-to-day management of its operations, much like the Presidium. Read on to get to know more about each individual council!


The Economics and Management
Doctoral Student Council

The Economics and Management Doctoral Student Council (EDR) is the doctoral student union council at Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM), representing approximately 150 doctoral students placed at the Department of Business Administration, the Department of Business Law, the Department of Economic History, the Department of Economics, the Department of Information Systems, the Department of Statistics, and at the Research Policy Institute.


EDR functions as a platform for communication, driving doctoral student matters at LUSEM and looking to assure doctoral student representation at various faculty-level and, for the Department of Business Administration, also departmental boards and committees.


Chair of EDR 2023/2024: Marcus Falk


The Humanistic and Theological Doctoral Student Council

The Humanistic and Theological Doctoral Student Council (HTDR) works to advance issues of relevance for all doctoral students at the HT faculties and has representation in all councils at the various departments. HTDR represents approximately 140 doctoral students placed at eight departments: The Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, The Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, The Department of Educational Sciences, The Department of History, The Centre for Languages and Literature, The Centre for Theology and Religious Studies, The Department of Communication and Media, and the Department of Philosophy. 


HTDRs main task is to monitor and advance doctoral student issues within the joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology. That is, HTDR represents the doctoral students at these faculties and acts to further their interests, especially with regard to employment conditions and the quality of the research education. All doctoral students at the HT faculties are welcome to the HTDR meetings, which take place three times per semester. During these meetings, we discuss issues that concern all doctoral students. The HTDR working committee sends out a summons and agenda before each meeting, so keep an eye on your inbox for emails from us.  


This year, the chair of HTDR is Alma Aspeborg. The working committee organizes meetings and functions as a connector between the various boards and the doctoral students. Don’t hesitate to contact us or any of HTDRs representatives if you have any questions concerning your work as a doctoral student or if you feel like you might want to get involved in a representational task. We look forward to hearing from you and to seeing you at the next meeting.


The Law Doctoral Student Council

The Council of Law Doctoral Students (JDR,Juridiska doktorandrådet) is the doctoral student union council at the Faculty of Law at Lund University, representing around 30 active doctoral students placed at the faculty.


The most important task of JDR is to guard the interests of the doctoral students at the Faculty of Law. The council does so by taking part in boards and committees at different levels at the faculty.


Chair of JDR 2023/2024: Amanda Kron

Paint Tubes


The Fine and Performing Arts Doctoral Student Council 



Chair of JDR 2023/2024: Felicita Brusoni


The Medicine Doctoral Student Council

The Faculty of Medicine at Lund University has approximately 1 000 PhD students at six
different departments in both Lund and Malmö. The Medical Doctoral Student Council /
Medicinska Doktorandrådet (MDR) is the doctoral student council for all PhD students at the
Faculty of Medicine. MDR represents students across 35 different boards and committees
including the faculty boards, departmental boards, research education committee, and
strategic research areas. MDR representatives participate in important decision-making
processes that affect the PhD education and research environments of all PhD students at
the Faculty of Medicine. Moreover, MDR supports PhD students if problems arise and can
be contacted by any PhD student of the medical faculty to provide advice and support. MDR
organizes events to disseminate useful information/knowledge and facilitate social
networking among the PhD students. In MDR’s monthly meetings participants discuss recent
events at the Faculty of Medicine, updates from the different boards and various issues that

PhD students are facing.


For more information please visit our Intramed website and join our Facebook group.


Chair of MDR 2023/2024: Nika Gvazava


The Science Doctoral Student Council

The Science Doctoral Student Council (Naturvetenskapliga Doktorandrådet, NDR) represents about 500 Ph.D. students at the faculty. The most important task of the NDR is to guard the interests of the Ph.D. students at the Faculty of Science with respect to the quality of education and supervision as well as the availability of resources. We currently occupy about 120 positions at various levels. The faculty level includes, e.g. the research education committee, the working committee, the teacher appointment board and the scholarship committee, to mention a few. You can also get active at the department level for example as a unit council or in the department board. Having so many different options and boards to be part of there is always the need for new engaged Ph.D. students who want to become active within the NDR.


Each year the NDR decides on some focus questions regarding the research education, which will be discussed and tried to be solved or improved. For that, NDR invites all the Ph.D. students to a lunch meeting three times per term. Here we pass on the latest news from our representatives from various boards and committees. During those meetings we also try to gather feedback from the attending Ph.D. students on what should be improved or focused on in the future. The organization of these meetings is done by the NDR working committee, which usually meets 1 or 2 weeks before those lunch meetings discussing the agenda and hot topics for the upcoming meeting.


Besides discussing, collecting and spreading information, and trying to solve common or local problems, these lunch meetings are also intended as a forum for Ph.D. students to meet across departmental boundaries.


For more information please visit the science faculty website and join our Facebook group.


Chair of NDR 2023/2024: Nima Mohseni


The Social Science Doctoral Student Council

SDR represents all doctoral students at the Faculty of Social Sciences, who each year elect representatives to a number of important bodies within the Faculty, such as the Faculty Board, the Faculty Research Committee and the Academic Appointments Board. Doctoral student representatives have the right to vote and we have representatives in all bodies where issues that concerns doctoral students is addressed. In addition, the SDR is your representative in the Lund University Student Union (LUS) and Lund Doctoral Student Union (LDK).


Co-chairs of SDR 2023/2024: Bibi Imre-Millei

Petri Dishes

Lund's Doctoral Student Union
Lunds Doktorandkår

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Visiting Address: Sandgatan 2 - AF-Borgen, 3rd Floor


Postal Address: Sandgatan 2, 223 50 Lund / University Internal Mail Service: HS 31

©2023 by Lunds doktorandkår

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