Lunds Doktorandkår - the short version
Lunds Doktorandkår (LDK) guards the interests of doctoral students at Lund University. We organize social events and coordinate projects that influence the wellbeing and interests of doctoral student at Lund University.
The LDK office is staffed by doctoral students working part-time to coordinate LDK and interact closely with our doctoral student councils as well as your DOMB (Doctoral Students' Ombudsperson).
Want the long version? click here
Newly Admitted, or an Experienced Doctoral Candidate?
It doesn't matter! LDK is open for anyone from anywhere studying anything* within third-cycle education at Lund University! Together, we do our best to make sure you will get the world-class research education you deserve!
* With the Exception for Doctoral Students at LTH - to learn more, click here.
Sounds great!
Where do I sign up?
Becoming a member of LDK has never been easier! Just fill in the form by clicking here.